Cindy Miracle

Workshops & Classes




Introduction to Monoprinting
(in Woodacre)


To learn more about printmaking and to try your hand at making Monotypes, come to take a one day workshop at my studio in Woodacre. Limited to 3 participants, you will receive lots of instruction. All supplies are provided!

I can promise you will leave with several finished prints and a better understanding of printmaking at the end of the day!

Please email me directly to let me know if you are interested

Thursday, October 3rd, 12 to 5:00 +
Cost: $165. ($130. + $35 for all materials)

Monday, October 7th, 12 to 5:00 +
Cost: $165. ($130. + $35 for all materials)
(1 spot)

Momday, October 21st, 12 to 5:00 +
Cost: $165. ($130. + $35 for all materials)
(3 spots)



Drawing/Painting Class
(in Woodacre)
Next Class scheduled:

SUNDAY, November 17th, 1:00 to 5:00
Cost: $95. (includes materials, some of which you will take home to keep)
(2 spots)

We will cover a variety of approaches to 'mark making' with various mediums (pencil, ink, pastel, watercolor, transfers, acrylic, oil and more).  I will supply lots of different surfaces (paper and other materials) for you to experiment with and some supplies for you to take home.

Drawing an object requires us to study and perceive it in a new way. We will look a variety of artwork and examine how line quality, textures, light and shadow all help to render a 3 dimensional object on a 2 dimensional surface, as well as the emotional impact and / or success of various works of art.

We will draw from still life arrangements, photos, and our memories, as well as have brief critiques of optional assignments to be completed outside of class. 



Drawing and Blending with Colored Pencils” Workshop

I hope to offer this one day class again sometime soon @ Riley Street Art Supply

Watch for updates!

